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Wszystkich zainteresowanych bardzo przepraszamy, poniżej publikujemy poprawną wersję piśmiennictwa do artykułu “Rozwój choroby Alzheimera - rola czynników związanych z dietą” autorstwa mgr Mariusza Jaworskiego i mgr Marzeny Trojańczyk.


1. Szczeklik A. Choroby wewnętrzne: stan wiedzy na rok 2010. Medycyna Praktyczna 2010;1951–1955.
2. Katzman R. Epidemiology of Alzheimer.s disease and dementia. W: Iqbal K., Sisodia S.S., Winblad B. (red.): Alzheimer.s Disease Advances in Etiology Pathogenesis and Therapeutics. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester 2001: 11-21.
3. Mascitelli L., Seneff S., Goldstein M.R. Association of alzheimer disease pathology with abnormal lipid metabolism: the Hisayama study. Neurology 2012; 10;78(2):151-152.
4. Matsuzaki T., Sasaki K., Hata J. i wsp. Association of Alzheimer disease pathology with abnormal lipid metabolism: the Hisayama Study. Neurology 2011;77(11):1068-1075.
5. Fotuhi M., Mohassel P., Yaffe K. Fish consumption, long-chain omega-3 fatty acids and risk of cognitive decline or Alzheimer disease: a complex association. Nat Clin Pract Neurol 2009; 5(3):140-152.
6. Solfrizzi V., Frisardi V., Capurso C. i wsp. Dietary fatty acids in dementia and predementia syndromes: epidemiological evidence and possible underlying mechanisms. Ageing Res Rev 2010; 9(2):184-199.
7. Ramesh B.N.T.S., Sathyanarayana R., Annamalai P. i wsp. Neuronutrition and Alzheimer’s Disease. J Alzheimers Dis 2010; 19(4): 1123–1139.
8. Devore E.E., Grodstein F., van Rooij F.J., Hofman A., Rosner B., Stampfer M.J., i wsp. Dietary intake of fish and omega-3 fatty acids in relation to long-term dementia risk. Am J Clin Nutr 2009;90:170—176.
9. Florent-Bechard S., Desbene C., Garcia P. The essential role of lipids in Alzheimer’s disease. Biochimie 2009;91: 804–809.
10. Simopoulos A.P., Cleland L.G. Omega–6/Omega–3 Essential Fatty Acid Ratio:The Scientific Evidence. World Rev Nutr Diet 2003;92: 37–56.
11. Fontani G., Corradeschi F., Felici A., Alfatti F., Migliorini S., Lodi L. Blackwell Publishing, Ltd.Cognitive and physiological effects of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation in health Subjects. European Journal of Clinical Investigation 2005;35:691–699.
12. Gu Y., Nieves J.W., Stern Y. i wsp. Food Combination and Alzheimer Disease Risk A Protective Diet. Arch Neurol 2010; 67(6): 699–706.
13. Naqv A.Z., Harty B., Mukamal K.J. i wsp. Monounsaturated, trans, and saturated fatty acids and cognitive decline in women. J Am Geriatr Soc 2011; 59:837–843.
14. Vercambre M.N., Boutron-Ruault M.C., Ritchie K. i wsp. Long-term association of food and nutrient intakes with cognitive and functional decline. A 13-year follow-up study of elderly French women. British Journal of Nutrition 2009; 102: 419–427.
15. Kontush K., Schekatolina S.: Vitamin E in neurodegenerative disorders: Alzheimer’s disease. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2004;1031:249-262.
16. Jaworski M. Łagodzenie objawów poznawczych poprzez stosowanie odpowiedniej diety u osób z chorobą Alzheimera. Neuropsychiatria i Neuropsychologia 2010;5,3-4:1-9.
17. Morris M.C., Evans D.A., Tangney C.C. i wsp. Relation of the tocopherol forms to incident Alzheimer disease and to cognitive change. Am J Clin Nutr 2005;81:508–514.
18. Pogge E. Vitamin D and Alzheimer’s disease: is there a link? Consult Pharm 2010;, 25: 440–450.
19. Lehmanna D.J., Refsum H.,, Wardena D.R. i wsp. The vitamin D receptor gene is associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Neuroscience Letters 2011;504;79– 82.
20. Kesby J.P., Eyles D.W., Burne T.H.J., i wsp. The effects of vitamin D on brain development and adult brain function. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 2011; 347:1-2: 121-127.
21. Mizwicki M.T., Menegaz D., Zhang J., Barrientos-Durán A., Tse S., Cashman J.R., Griffin P.R., Fiala M. Genomic and nongenomic signaling induced by 1α,25(OH)2-vitamin D3 promotes the recovery of amyloid-β phagocytosis by Alzheimer’s disease macrophages. J Alzheimers Dis. 2012;29(1):51-62.
22. Hsiao G., Fong T.H., Tzu N.H. i wsp. A potent antioxidant, lycopene, affords neuroprotection against microglia activation and ocal cerebral ischemia in rats. In Vivo 2004; 18: 351–356.
23. Gross M. Blood folate and beta-carotene are associated with asymptomatic Alzheimer’s disease: The Nun StudyAlzheimer’s and Dementia 2009; 5:4: P129-P130.
24. Mingyue Qu, Li Li 1, Chunhai Chen, Min Li, Liping Pei, Fang Chu, Ju Yang, Zhengping Yu, Denggao Wang, Zhou Zhou Protective effects of lycopene against amyloid _-induced neurotoxicity In cultured rat cortical neurons Neuroscience Letters 505 (2011) 286–290
25. Yilmaz S., Atessahin A., Sahna E i wsp. Protective effect of lycopene on adriamycin-induced cardiotoxicity and nephrotoxicity. Toxicology 2006;218: 164–171.
26. Pe´neau S., Galan P., Jeandel C. i wsp. Fruit and vegetable intake and cognitive function in the SU.VI.MAX 2 prospective study. Am J Clin Nutr 2011; 94:5:1295-1303.
27. Nurk E., Refsum H., Drevon C.A. i wsp. Cognitive performance among the elderly in relation to the intake of plant foods. The Hordaland Health Study. Br J Nutr 2010;104:1190–201.
28. Nilforooshan R., Broadbent D., Weaving G. i wsp. Homocysteine in Alzheimer’s disease: role of dietary folate, vitamin B6 and B12. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2011;26(8):876-7.
29. Luchsinger J.A., Tang M.X., Miller J. i wsp. Higher Folate Intake is Related to Lower Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease in the Elderly.J Nutr Health Aging 2008; 12(9): 648–650.
30. Vidal J.S., Dufouil C., Ducros V., Tzourio C. Homocysteine,folate and cognition in a large community-based sample of elderly people-the 3C Dijon Study. Neuroepidemiology 2008;30 (4): 207-14.
31. De Lau L.M., Refsum H., Smith A.D., Johnston C., Breteler M.M.. Plasma folate concentration and cognitive performance: Rotterdam Scan Study. Am J Clin Nutr 2007; 86 (3): 728-34.
32. Clarke R., Sherliker P., Hin H., Molloy A.M., Nexo E., Ueland P.M. i wsp.. Folate and vitamin B12 status in relation to cognitive impairment and anaemia in the setting of voluntary fortification in the UK. Br J Nutr 2008; 100 (5): 1054-9.
33. Wang J., Ho L., Zhao W., Ono K., Rosensweig C., Chen L., i wsp. Grape-Derived Polyphenolics Prevent Aβ Oligomerization and Attenuate Cognitive Deterioration in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s DiseaseJ Neurosci 2008; 28(25): 6388–6392.
34. Rossi L., Mazzitelli S., Arciello M. i wsp. Benefits from dietary polyphenols for brain aging and Alzheimer’s disease.Neurochem Res2008;33(12):2390-2400.
35. Marambaud P., Zhao H., Davies P. Resveratrol promotes clearance of Alzheimer’s disease amyloid-beta peptides. J Biol Chem 2005;280:37377–37382.
36. Ono K., Yoshiike Y., Takashima A. i wsp. Potent anti-amyloidogenic and fibril-destabilizing effects of polyphenols in vitro: implications for the prevention and therapeutics of Alzheimer’s disease. J Neurochem 2003; 87:172–181.
37. Ono K., Hasegawa K., Naiki H. i wsp. Curcumin has potent anti-amyloidogenic effects for Alzheimer’s beta-amyloid fibrils in vitro. J Neurosci Res 2004;75:742–750.
38. Arendash G.W., Cao C. Caffeine and coffee as therapeutics against Alzheimer’s disease. J Alzheimers Dis 2010;20:1:S117-126.
39. Cao C., Wang L., Lin X. i wsp. Caffeine synergizes with another coffee component to increase plasma GCSF: linkage to cognitive benefits in Alzheimer’s mice. J Alzheimers Dis 2011;25(2):323-335.
40. Chauhan N.B., Siegel G.J., Feinstein D.L. Propentofylline attenuates tau hyperphosphorylation in Alzheimer’s Swedish mutant model Tg2576. Neuropharmacology 2005; 48: 93-104.
41. Eskelinen M.H., Ngandu T., Tuomilehto J., Soininen H., Kivipelto M. Midlife coffee and tea drinking and the risk of late-life dementia: a population-based CAIDE study. J Alzheimers Dis 2009;16: 85-91.

Zabrakło też piśmiennictwa do pierwszej części Rekomendacji, drukujemy je poniżej:

1. Standardy żywienia pozajelitowego i dojelitowego. Praca zbiorowa pod przewodnictwem M. Pertkiewicz, PZWL 2005 (reedycja 2009)
2. Podstawy leczenia klinicznego. Praca zbiorowa pod redakcją Lubosa Sobotki, PZWL 2007
3. J. Arends, G. Bodoky, F. Bozzetti, K. Fearson, M. Muscaritoli, G. Selga, M.A.E. van Bokhorst-de van der Schueren, M. von Meyenfeldt, G. Zürcher, R. Fietkau, E. Aulbert, B. Frick, M. Holm, M. Kneba, H.J. Mestrom, A. Zander. ESPEN guidelines on enteral nutrition: non-surgical oncology. Clin Nutr. 2006; 25: 245–259
4. Weimann A, Braga M, Harsanyi L, Laviano A, Ljungqvist O, Soeters P, DGEM (German Society for Nutritional Medicine), Jauch KW, Kemen M, Hiesmayr JM, Horbach T, Kuse ER, Vestweber KH,  ESPEN (European Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition): ESPEN Guidelines on Enteral Nutrition: Surgery including organ transplantation. Clin Nutr. 2006 Apr;25(2):224-44.

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